Healing after a breakup as a man isn’t about forgetting your ex-girlfriend. It’s about creating a future that excites you again.
Right after a breakup, it’s natural to want to erase all memories of your ex girlfriend. And certainly, as they say: Out of sight, out of mine. But it’s not so much about forgetting her. Often, there are many great things to learn from a relationship and a breakup. We can be grateful for the good times. Even the bad moments are important lessons.
When you want to get over your ex-girlfriend, and slowly heal from your broken heart, it’s not about forgetting her. It’s about growing beyond the old relationship. To start something new that “makes you forget” the past because the new things in your life are just as good. Maybe they’re even better.
This is what I hope you’ll discover. Instead of trying to erase the past, focus on building a future that excites you. Masculinity is about taking action. For all the pain, all the struggle, all the days that you feel like you can’t deal with any of this any longer, there’s going to be something that you will take away from the experience.
You’re not going through the pain for no reason. It’s as if your body is re-assembling itself. It feels painful, but it’ll help you — if you accept the process.
What’s your new version of yourself? What’s your masculine way to get over this heartbreak? What dreams did you put on hold? What dreams can you double down on? What is something brand new that you want to try? How can you take a new step in a new direction that excites you? Maybe it even scares you a bit because it’s far beyond what you thought to be possible in the past. Maybe it’ll be so intimidating, so challenging, that you’ll get so busy with your new goals, that the pain will slowly fade.
What adventures would you like to go on and pursue? Now is the time to chase them. Be the wild warrior who explores new frontiers. Don’t be afraid to keep going in a new direction. Craft that new path for yourself. Look ahead into an exciting new future.
I know you are only beginning your new life, but in time, the past will lose its grip on you. It’ll no longer hurt as much. Not because you’ve forgotten everything. Some memories may still hurt even after a long time. But you’ll have something much greater to focus on than your pain: True masculine purpose. Get busy. If you’re too busy to look backwards, then there’s only one way to go: Forward. Your best days are ahead of you.