My Dad Didn’t Teach Me How to Be a Man and How to Date Girls… How to Be Confident and Masculine Around Girls?

Are you struggling to feel like a “real man“? Maybe your father didn’t teach you much when you were growing up, and now you don’t feel confident as a man? Something’s missing to give you that charismatic and energetic aura that a lot of other guys have?

But because your dad didn’t teach you about manhood, and especially nothing about sexuality, dating or girls, you have no idea how to build confidence as a man and how to feel more self-assured around girls?

It’s rough when nobody ever taught you what it means to be a man, and likewise, when nobody taught you anything about girls, what they want from a man, and why they date some men and not others.

And because of that lack of education, women never notice you, right? Maybe you just don’t know how to act more manly. And girls always pay attention to other guys who seem naturally masculine, light-hearted, and never seeming to have a worry in the world.

I know how you feel. My father was almost always busy with work when I was younger and he didn’t realize that I needed guidance on how to be a confident man. I’ve been there. I struggled constantly with feeling insecure and out of place.

Insecure in general, and especially, unable to talk to girls. I didn’t know how to be assertive and show girls that I was wanted to go on dates with them. But I learned that being masculine, attractive, confident and outgoing is possible for every man.

And I hope I can inspire you to overcome your male insecurities in dating and life.

Learning How To Be A Real Man Through Experiments

Growing up without a strong father figure left me feeling lost, insecure, and clueless about what it truly means to be a man. Especially in my “younger” years, almost up to my mid 20s, I was failing a lot in my social life — especially with women.

I’d walk into a room and immediately feel out of place, like I didn’t belong. At the gym, I’d see other guys confidently lifting heavy weights, pumping and looking like raw, high-energy alpha males. They’d chat with women, while I’d feel awkward even just making eye contact and worrying whether I was doing something that looked weak or foolish.

Social situations were even worse. At parties or bars, I’d stand awkwardly on the side, usually with other low-confidence guys, unable to approach a girl. Meanwhile, all the other guys were overflowing with energy and charisma. They’d talk to girls as if it was nothing. I’m sure you’ve seen guys at parties who have this confident aura, and everyone they talk to seems to be enjoying the conversation.

I wanted to be like those guys. Assertive, witty, always have a good joke ready, and most importantly, they seemed hyper masculine to me. Women loved those kinds of guys. And I especially looked up to, or well, perhaps more accurately, I was intimidated by older men who had this unshakeable posture as they walked into a room. Some men just had this “thing“. They had “it“. Manliness. Masculinity. Alpha Male Energy. Authenticity and Charm.

I wanted to know how to live like an alpha male who was liked by everyone in his community, and loved by women.

Of course, even I had some girlfriends in my teens and early 20s… But it never worked out as I wanted it to. Looking back, I’m sure girls could feel that I wasn’t masculine and confident. And because of this, they never were happy with me after they realized that I didn’t have “it“.

Some of my relationships just weren’t with good women. One of my ex-girlfriends was insanely insecure and jealous, even far more than me. I had no confidence, and so I settled for the girls that I could have. 

But more often, most of my relationships ended in heartbreak. Either my ex broke up with me “out of nowhere“, others started talking to other guys and they already knew I wasn’t confident enough for them. And once, my girl even cheated on me.

This relationship is the one that changed everything for me.

I realized that my lack of masculinity was causing all my problems in my relationships. I didn’t know how to be assertive with women, how to stand up for myself, or how to show a woman directly what I wanted from her romantically, and sexually.

Heck, I didn’t even know how to maintain eye contact or give a firm handshake. That may sound ridiculous and like small things, but every small insecurity added up. I was a beta male with women. I just didn’t know how to act like a real man.

I didn’t have any boundaries, and when my girlfriends wouldn’t be happy, or when they did something inappropriate, I was too passive to solve my relationship problems.

When that ex-girlfriend cheated on me, I was hitting absolute rock bottom. I was 27, I thought I had found the girl that I’d marry and grow old with, but instead, I was back at zero. I was still the guy who gets left behind for other guys, because other guys were more masculine, assertive, and confident than me.

That pain became my catalyst for transformation. I began reading about masculinity, I attended men’s groups, I read books about attraction, and I even began reading 100s of scientific papers about attraction and relationship satisfaction. Honestly, I went a big hardcore because of the insane heartbreak.

I wanted to understand what women are drawn to and become the man who women crave.

And then, I began to change. I began to experiment with my masculinity. I learned from the men that I hung out with at the men’s groups. I found male mentors, and I finally learned how to be confident in my own skin. I started to understand what women find attractive in men, and I finally had the confidence to talk to beautiful women, because I was a self-developed man, with clear goals, aspirations, and confidence in myself.

Women were drawn to me because I was finally a grown-up, masculine man, who knew how to provide for a woman.

I finally understood what it meant to be a man. And with that knowledge, I also finally understood what women want from a man. Through my experimentation, going out to bars, clubs, events, meeting as many women as possible, I’ve learned a lot about female attraction and how it relates to masculinity. 

If you feel insecure as a man, here are 4 reasons why women love masculine men and simple strategies how you can become a confident man, overflowing with masculinity:

4 Ways How You Can Be More Manly And Attract Girls With Masculine Energy

Masculinity Is an Inherent Trait, Not a Learned Skill

Contrary to popular belief, masculinity isn’t something you need to learn from scratch. It’s an innate quality that exists within every man, including you. You don’t need to acquire masculinity; you need to uncover and embrace the masculine energy that’s already a part of you.

Think of masculinity as a dormant strength within you, like a muscle that hasn’t been exercised. It’s always been there, waiting to be awakened and developed. By recognizing and nurturing your inherent masculine traits, you can bring them to the forefront of your personality.

As a funny anecdote, when I was young, I was a very weak boy. Insecure, shy, timid, had no strength and didn’t know how to fight back. But even back then, I used to wrestle with my friends, to enact WWE wrestling matches. I always had the masculine fighter within me, but I just couldn’t see it while growing up.

This realization means you’re not starting from zero — you’re starting with a foundation of masculine potential that’s uniquely tailored to your personality, interests, and talents. Everybody can draw out their masculinity, heighten and multiply it, and thrive on the momentum that he generates by being more masculine.

This innate masculinity is of course one of the reasons why women are attracted to men — and especially highly masculine men. It’s a personality trait that doesn’t come as easily to a woman as it comes to a man. Women are turned on my masculine men who fully embrace their masculinity. If you want to gain a woman’s attention, the first step is recognizing what your personal interests, dreams, and ambitions are, and then begin pursuing them to tap into your masculinity.

You can also start identifying the masculine traits you already possess. Maybe you’re naturally protective of your loved ones, or perhaps you have a strong sense of justice and want to stand up for those weaker than you. Recognize these qualities and consciously embody them more often, and ask yourself how they can relate to other masculine traits that you wish you could embody. 

Taking Action Is the Core of Masculinity

Research consistently shows that men are naturally inclined towards instrumental tasks — in other words, taking action. In fact, instrumental tasks are called masculine traits. A man’s action-oriented nature is a fundamental aspect of masculinity. Whether it’s making decisions, solving problems, or pursuing goals, masculine energy thrives on doing rather than just thinking or feeling.

I bet you are already the type of guy who gets busy and gets his hands dirty. Even if it’s about something that you wouldn’t consider masculine, such as becoming really good at a video game — the principle is the same, and you’re able to apply your action-focused tendencies to other aspects of your life.

Start small – set a goal for each day and take concrete steps to achieve it. It could be as simple as striking up a conversation with a stranger, trying to practice eye contact with girls, or tackling a task you’ve been putting off. Each action you take reinforces your masculine energy. The more active you become, the more attractive you will become to women.

Women are inherently attracted to men of action. A man who never stops, never gives up, never wavers — those are the type of men that women go crazy for. They admire men who don’t just talk about their dreams but actively pursue them. When you consistently take action, you demonstrate reliability, competence, and determination — all highly attractive masculine traits.

Masculinity Thrives on Purpose and Direction

A key aspect of masculinity that women find irresistible is having a sense of purpose and direction in life. This doesn’t mean you need to have everything figured out — nobody has it all figured out — but rather that you’re actively engaged in pursuing your goals and values.

Start by defining what truly matters to you. What are your core values? What kind of impact do you want to make in the world? Once you have a clearer sense of your purpose, set both short-term and long-term goals that align with this purpose. The act of working towards these goals, regardless of the outcome, is what fuels your masculine energy.

Women are naturally drawn to men who have a clear sense of where they’re going in life and the determination to get there. There’s nothing more attractive to a woman than a man who is determined to embark on a mission, and make his vision a reality. If your vision is large and awe-inspiring, it becomes even more attractive to a woman. When a woman can see that you have profound ambitions, she can see herself by your side, because she knows that you will be a powerful force of change for herself. She wants to be with a man who is a challenge, and who inspires her to be at her best as well.

When a man is filled with passion for his goals, it sparks passion in a woman’s heart. The passion and drive with which you pursue your purpose is the same kind of passion she imagines she is going to experience when she is with you. Your sense of purpose creates a gravitational pull, making you more attractive and interesting to the women around you.

Moreover, having a strong sense of purpose acts as an emotional anchor. It provides stability and confidence, allowing you to weather life’s storms with grace and resilience. The more you pursue your purpose, and tap into your masculine energy, the more likely you are going to feel confident in life, and around women. 

Resilience Is A Masculinity Cornerstone — Every Man Can Develop Mental Strength

True masculinity is characterized by the ability to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the face of adversity. It’s not about never failing, but about how you respond to failure. Developing resilience allows you to maintain your strength and confidence even when things don’t go as planned, a quality that women deeply admire in men.

No woman wants to be with a weak man, or a crybaby who easily gives up, or becomes depressed, bitter, angry, or frustrated when he’s not getting his way. A woman wants to be with a masculine man who knows how to fight and keep going. Nothing is sexier than a man who braves any storm that he is faced with.

Start by reframing your perspective on failure. See each setback as an opportunity for growth and learning. When you face a challenge, instead of being overwhelmed, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this? How can this make me stronger?” This resilient mindset is at the core of unshakeable masculine confidence.

Of course, this is also why women are attracted to certain men. The type of men who approach women, and don’t give up. Even when 10 attempts have failed, he will continue, and perhaps with the 14th try of talking to a girl, one of them will finally be attracted to him, have a great time, and give him his contact details. 

When you don’t give up and cultivate your resilience, you develop massive confidence and skills that you never knew were within you. Resilience is truly inspirational. The most talented men that you know had to fail 100s of times before they finally succeeded. This type of masculine energy is irresistible.

Women are attracted to resilient men because it signals emotional strength and stability. A resilient man can provide a sense of security in a relationship, handling life’s ups and downs with grace and determination. You can deliberately put yourself in challenging situations, and yes, at time you will fail, but you’ll also learn to become a real man, who never gives up.

Take on projects that stretch your abilities. Face your fears head-on. Talk to girls even if it’s uncomfortable. Each time you overcome a challenge, you’re not just solving a problem — you’re building your masculine core. Over time, you’ll develop an unwavering confidence that women find magnetic.

From Shy Boy to Confident Man — A Dating Masculinity Guide for Young Men

Remember that guy in high school who seemed to have it all figured out? The one who effortlessly attracted girls, commanded respect from other guys, and never seemed to doubt himself? I used to think men like that were a different species — blessed with some magical quality that the rest of us could only dream of possessing.

I was wrong. Masculine confidence isn’t an innate trait that only some men are born with — it’s a mindset you cultivate. It’s about learning to trust yourself, to take decisive action, and to lead with authenticity in all areas of your life. 

My journey taught me something profound: Every man has the capacity to develop rock-solid confidence and irresistible masculine energy.

I know it seems intimidating to step out of your comfort zone. But unlike me, you don’t need to experiment endlessly to develop your masculine confidence. The gap between where you are and where you want to be can feel impossibly wide, and trial and error can be demotivating. That’s exactly why I wrote “Book Title,” as the guide I wish I had when I was struggling as a young, insecure man.

I’ll guide you step-by-step through this transformation. From overcoming social anxiety to mastering the art of attraction, from building genuine self-confidence to creating deep, fulfilling relationships — this book is your roadmap to becoming the masculine man who inspires women.

No Contact Myth | Progress, Not Pursuit | Why Men Must Move On And Not Chase Their Ex

In This Dating Book For Men, I share:

  • How to develop unshakeable masculine confidence that attracts women naturally without even approaching them
  • The key traits of masculinity that women find irresistible
  • How to develop a masculine presence that makes you act like a magnet, drawing women closer to you 
  • The psychological principles that make women notice a man and how to leverage these confidence principles
  • How to overcome shyness and social anxiety when meeting women, even if you’ve struggled with it your whole life
  • Mindset and approach tips to become confident in approaching and talking to women, even if you’re naturally shy
  • How to handle rejection by women like a man, never losing your momentum so you can keep on meeting great women
  • The secrets to effective communication that will make women eager to chase you and go on dates with you
  • The art of creating sexual tension and chemistry that makes women crave your attention
  • How to tap into masculine assertiveness, to get the woman of your dreams, without coming across as aggressive
  • How to build a fulfilling and purposeful life that attracts beautiful women 
  • Strategies for maintaining a healthy, passionate relationship once you’ve found the right woman

Imagine waking up every day feeling unshakably confident in your masculinity. Envision the man you could become. A man who walks with purpose, speaks with conviction, and lives with passion. A man who understands women on a deep level and knows how to create intense attraction with women effortlessly.

What if I told you that in just a few weeks, you could completely transform your dating life and your confidence as a man? That’s not an exaggeration — it’s a promise.

Picture yourself walking into a room and immediately becoming the center of attention. Women are drawn to your magnetic presence, hanging on your every word. Other men look at you with a mix of admiration and envy, wondering how you’ve become so confident and charismatic. And of course, every guy wants to be your friend as well. Everybody can see a high value man when he’s right in front of them.

You’ll find yourself easily striking up conversations with anyone, anywhere. That cute girl at the coffee shop? You’ll know exactly how to approach her and leave her intrigued.

This book isn’t just about attracting women — it’s about becoming a man of substance, a man who lives life on his own terms. It’s about building a life so fulfilling that amazing women are naturally going crazy for you.

You’ll notice changes in every area of your life. At work, you’re more assertive and respected. Your friendships deepen as you become a natural leader in your social circle.

And naturally, women will see that you are a man who is confident in his masculinity — a real man who has built a strong, attractive foundation. They’ll be assured by the fact that they can rely on you, and they’ll all want to be your girlfriend. When a woman feels safe around a man, she’s ready to date him.

This is the power of channeling your masculinity from deep within and letting it roar.

Learn how to create your own version of masculinity. Become confident as a man, and unluck your full potential in life, and with women. Get your copy of “Book Title” now and start your journey to becoming the man that you would look up to. Your future self will thank you.

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