100% High-Value Man: How to Be an Attractive Man to a Woman

Are you tired of feeling invisible to women? Do you feel like there’s something missing with you, and that’s why you’re not attracting a great girlfriend? Do you ask yourself “How can I be more attractive as a guy” but you feel stuck and don’t know how to take the first steps to become more attractive?

Believe me, you’re not alone. When I was younger, and even up to my late 20s, I was extremely unattractive to all women and I couldn’t get a girlfriend no matter what.

Yes, even I had a few short-term girlfriends, but I never knew how to attract a woman easily. And most of these relationships were random, no real plan went into it. I just got lucky. And most of the time, my girlfriends left me because I didn’t make them happy.

But all of that changed when I became a high value man. Once I decided to improve myself in every area of my life, to cultivate my strengths, and overcome my weaknesses, women started chasing me.

I call this the 100% High Value Man approach.

How Adapting High Value Man Traits Makes You Become More Attractive To Women

My journey to becoming a high-value man wasn’t easy, but it was worth every step. I grew up without strong male role models. My father, bless him, was a kind man but very passive. I never learned how to assert myself or embrace my masculinity. Because of this, I was also bullied a lot in high school. I seemed like I had no confidence and that made me a big target for bullies.

Back in the day, as a young teenager, I never even thought about high value male principles or what it means to be a man. 

Needless to say, I was pretty insecure in my teens, and even in my 20s. I had no social skills and didn’t know how to talk to girls. Most of the time, when I would interact with girls, it would be pretty awkward. I generally had this behavior style of well… The simplest way to describe it was a beta male personality.

I really envied alpha males who were confident and knew how to make girls laugh. For me, dating was frustrating. I was absolutely clueless about girls, masculinity, and life as a man in general. Because I was so “underdeveloped” as a man, most girls rejected me, of course I was always stuck in the friendzone, and arranging dates often ended up in ghosting, or maybe one date and then never hearing from a girl ever again.

And ironically, I was very successful financially and in my career. I was living in the Philippines, and I was kind of “famous” in my industry. I was doing a lot of public speaking, organized big meetups, always mingling with investors, and I was Chief Product Officer at one of the best-funded startups at the time when I was merely 25 years old. I was a top 10% earner in the country. I was highly ambitious. So why did I still have no luck with women? 

Well, I found out when I had the biggest heartbreak of my life. My first serious relationship ended up in disaster. My ex-girlfriend, whom I supported a lot, was cheating on me chronically as soon as she wasn’t happy in the relationship. The moment she made her own decent amount of money, I was no longer good enough for her. I was devastated, but all of this taught me something about how to become attractive to women and most importantly, how to find a good woman to date.

That relationship, like all others, happened very randomly. I really loved this girl more than anything, but when the relationship ended, and I looked at my own flaws, I began to notice that I was getting the same results over and over in my life.

My girlfriends never respected me. I was never good enough for them. After some time in the relationship, other men always seemed like the better option for them. My girlfriends were deeply in love with me. Or at least, my girlfriends were always falling out of love with me.

In that moment I had to ask myself an important question:

What to do when no woman wants you?

After all, it can’t be a coincidence when all your relationships fail. And when most girls never pay attention to you and want to talk to other guys at parties, then there has to be a reason for it. Even if I was hyper-successful in one area of my life, clearly, at the very least, my dating skills were awful.

Back then, losing this girl changed me. Especially seeing her with another guy, just a few days after our breakup, in the morning on a motorbike, eating a kebab was a wake-up call. They probably slept together. I could no longer handle the pain and I decided to completely change who I am as a man.

I realized that if I wanted different results, I needed to become a different man — a high value man who’s desired by every woman. I dove headfirst into understanding the psychology of attraction. I devoured every reputable book on relationships and male-female attraction dynamics I could get my hands on. I studied relationship principles and how to have a happy, passionate relationship. And then I even began reading and analyzing scientific studies. 

Most importantly, I holistically looked at how I could become the most impressive man. With charisma, confidence, grit, the most positive energy possible. Every single day, I got up with the intent to become an attractive man.

If you want women to pay attention to you, then you have to become a man of value.

Within less than a year, I went from being invisible to women to even getting approached by women. Sometimes, women even “forced” me to take their contact details because they were so amazed by the man that I was.

I went from being a timid man, who never got what he wanted, always being in the shadows, to being the most charismatic, successful and fun guy to be around.

And this is what I see as being a 100% High Value Man.

Being a man of high value is fundamentally connected to becoming a man of high principles, which become an extension of every aspect of your life. Finance. Fitness. Friendships. Spirituality. Community. Relationships. Generosity.

When you make a conscious choice to be at your best, to work hard, and to no longer accept anything in your life that is mediocre, and when you address your shortcomings with positivity, vigor, and a rock-solid belief that you can be the most powerful man imaginable, then you’ll gain the most outstanding results with women.

To achieve this, you have to adopt a high value man lifestyle that isn’t just superficial, but rather redefines who you are as a man.

Here’s what I learned about masculinity and how to be a high value man through my experience of working on myself, day in and day out, constantly learning to become more confident in my career, social interactions, and when talking to women.

Becoming highly valued by women isn’t too difficult if you pay attention to these 4 high value man qualities that you should reflect on and adopt to become a high value man:

4 Signs You Are A High Value Man If You Are Ready To Follow These Habits Of High Value Men 

Living with High Values: The Foundation of Being A High Value Male

Being a high-value man goes far beyond superficial attributes or the ability to attract attention. At its core, it’s about living a life guided by strong, positive values that contribute to your personal growth and benefit those around you. Just like loving someone isn’t something that you do for yourself, being a man of value isn’t for someone else either. You do it because it provides the best outcomes for those around you. High value men are successful and contribute to society because they believe that their contribution is a win-win for everyone involved.

A truly high-value man understands that his worth isn’t determined by external validation, but by the principles he upholds and the positive impact he makes on the world. He has a clear set of values that guide his decisions and actions, values like integrity, compassion, courage, and perseverance, risk-taking, patience.

A high value man doesn’t just talk about his values; he lives them every day. Compare people who claim to be entrepreneurs, to those who just get things done, build businesses in quiet, and don’t care if anyone thinks they are successful entrepreneurs That kind of man just builds amazing products and services, trying to help those in need of what he has to offer.

Living with high values makes you a positive influence on those around you. People are naturally drawn to individuals who embody strong principles because they inspire others to be better. Women, in particular, are attracted to men who provide stability — for their community, and of course, for a woman who wants to grow old with a man and have children.

High values, lead to stable life outcomes, which leads to women who want to be within your vicinity because they know that being around you is a safe choice. If you’re ready to become a high value man not only for yourself, but for those around you, then you’re ready to get to the next level.

High-Value Man’s Mindset: Unwavering Purpose and Resilience in the Face of Challenges

A key characteristic that sets high-value men apart is their mindset when facing challenges and setbacks. This is rooted in an unwavering sense of purpose that guides their actions and decisions, even in the most difficult times.

As you’ll find throughout life, what you believe in, and what you do, doesn’t matter as much during easy time. It matters when the going gets tough. Without a clear purpose and direction of what drives you as a man, you are always going to falter when life doesn’t go your way. A woman wants to be with a man who will keep on going and pursue his purpose, no matter how much he is struggling. Struggle is nothing in the face of the reward of living out your purpose.

High-value men are driven by a clear vision of what they want to achieve in life. This isn’t just about personal success; it’s about making a meaningful impact on their community, their loved ones, or even the world at large. They have a deep understanding of why they do what they do, and this purpose acts as their north star, guiding them through both smooth sailing and stormy seas.

And this conviction in one’s purpose continues all throughout the pursuit of a good woman. High-value men understand that rejection is not a reflection of their worth, but rather a natural part of the journey towards their goal of meeting a great woman to grow old with.

When you don’t believe that the end goal will be worth it, you’ll always hesitate and give up when faced with rejection by a woman. But when you develop psychological resilience to handle rejection without becoming frustrated or discouraged, you will slowly make progress towards meeting the perfect woman for you. A high value man sees every time that he meets a woman as a learning opportunity, to refine his approach, flirting, and conversation skills, as well as learning whether the woman he just met is the kind of woman that he can see as a great long-term girlfriend and potential wife.

What truly sets high-value men apart in every area, is his ability to stick to his vision and purpose that he has consciously designed. When failure inevitably knocks on the door of a high value man, he reminds himself why he tried in the first place, then he keeps going, remains confident that he is walking towards something that is worth struggling for, and he perseveres until he reaches the objects of his desire. If you’re ready to stick to your convictions, create a roadmap where you want to be as a man, and what type of woman you want to date, then you’re ready to become a high value man, and reach your goals in the future through the sheer power of your belief. 

High-Energy Living Attracts Beautiful Women – You Have To Be Positive

Energy is infectious, and high-value men understand the power of living a high-energy life. This isn’t about being hyperactive or never sleeping. I’m introverted, perhaps could even be called shy at times. But I always keep my energy high, and no matter what happens, I will remain conscious of my emotions and try to make the most out of life.

A high value man always looks on the bright side. Even during his darkest of times, he will try to look for something to regain his state of positivity. Women never want to be with a man who’s negative or drowns in his sorrow. Women are attracted to men who know how to solve problems, or even better, men who see their problems as opportunities to reach a better state of living.

It’s about approaching life with enthusiasm, purpose, and vigor. High-energy living means waking up each day with a sense of excitement for what’s to come. It’s about pursuing your passions with intensity, whether that’s in your career, your hobbies, or your relationships. It’s about enjoying the simple things, being grateful for the good things in life, and reminding yourself how far you’ve come to reach your goals.

A high-value man doesn’t just go through the motions of life. He attacks each day with purpose, setting goals and working tirelessly to achieve them. And when things don’t work out for whatever reason, a man of high principles doesn’t become negative. He’ll pick himself up, and at times, he’ll even give himself a much-needed break to focus on recharging his energy so he can be a force for good, a man who inspires others, and inspires others.

This kind of passionate living is incredibly attractive to high-quality women. Women are drawn to men who have a zest for life, who are always up for new adventures and experiences.

When you live with high energy, you become the most interesting person in the room. You’re the one people gravitate towards at parties, the one whose presence lights up a room. Cultivating this high-energy lifestyle is about making a choice — to confidently, and enthusiastically choose to live a better life. To learn how to be more social, to learn how to invest more of your time into useful activities, such as volunteering, to learn how to talk to women and be able to keep a conversation going.

An average man will look at these goals and feel intimidated, hold himself back, and eventually become depressed and lose his confidence. A high value man will see these goals as great pursuits, that life is worth living for. If you’re ready to gather massive amounts of positive vibes to start your journey of being an outstanding man, then you’re ready to be a high value man.

Looks, Money, Status Are Built – Reject A Victim Mentality And Design Yourself

The “High Value Male” movement is very focused on the idea of looks, money, and status to attract beautiful women. And they certainly aren’t wrong, although at times it is a bit overinflated and ignores that skills such as charisma also need to be developed to attract beautiful women. In fact, most of the time, it’s the easier thing to achieve, next to looks.

But certainly, all three can be cultivated. Many men become demoralized when they realize that they need to be a man of status or money in order to get a great girlfriend. While it’s true, that doesn’t mean that you need to come from a wealthy background, nor do you need to be extremely rich.

However, you need a certain degree of financial stability for sure. The bare minimum to make a woman happy. This can be accumulated over time, especially if you work hard, keep on working on your career, and spend your money wisely, and invest like a smart man should do.

Aside from that, looks and status are easy to obtain. In today’s world, status is something you build through your actions, achievements, and the value you bring to others. It’s about creating a personal brand that commands respect and admiration. A high-value man understands this and works consistently to elevate his status.

When I established myself as a thought-leader in my industry in my 20s, I achieved 80% of the results in merely a year, and then I was able to gain any job I wanted, with a high salary, and everybody respected me. You can become a man of status. And improving your looks is merely a matter of consistently hitting the gym, adopting a hustle mindset, and to never fall into a complacency mindset.

Most ambitious men who want to be high value men, naturally fall into this category of working consistently to achieve their looks, money, status goals.

If you commit yourself to obtain looks, money and status, then you will obtain all three in the long-run. In the meantime, you can practice your social skills and become attractive to women through other means. Average men act like victims and pretend that their looks can’t be improved. A high value man, will hit the gym, go shopping for better clothes, waste less money to buy those clothes, or he may even invest his hard-earned money into a beard transplant if he’s not happy with his poor facial hair.

High value men create solutions and never see themselves as victims. They identify which areas of their lives they want to upgrade, and then they get to work, every single day. And they never make excuses for why they aren’t getting the results they desire.

This is why women love high value men. Because such a man has done the work. He kept at it. When women rejected him, he didn’t focus on a victim mentality and blamed women for his problems. He recognized that he was weak in certain areas, such as escalation, initial approach, keeping the conversation going, etc. and then he kept on working on those weaknesses. And then, one day, women were charmed by his confidence. If you have a can-do attitude, rather than a victim mentality, then you’re ready to become a high value man.

What Is Considered A High Value Man — Dating Success Tips For Ambitious Men

What is a high value man? I’ll answer that question shortly with a deep, profound analysis. But first, let me answer the superficial outcomes that are a result of high value male energy.

Fundamentally, we all know that a high-value man is a sight to behold. He’s the one who walks into a room and immediately commands attention without saying a word. He’s different. He’s polished. But why is that? Well, logically, we pay attention to the following high value male signs:

Firstly, a high-value man takes immaculate care of his appearance. He understands that his exterior is a reflection of his interior. This doesn’t mean he’s vain or obsessed with looks, but he puts effort into presenting his best self to the world. He’s well-groomed, with a hairstyle that suits his face and a skincare routine that keeps him looking fresh, youthful yet also mature.

His wardrobe is carefully curated. He doesn’t follow trends blindly but has developed a personal style that’s both classic and contemporary. Whether he’s in a classy suit for a business meeting or smart casual for a dinner date, his clothes fit him perfectly and reflect his attention to detail.

A high-value man’s appeal goes far beyond his appearance. It’s in the way he carries himself. His posture is impeccable – shoulders back, head held high, moving with purpose and confidence. When he speaks, people listen. His voice is clear and confident, and he articulates his thoughts with precision. He always smiles and makes others feel good in their conversations.

Physically, he’s in peak condition. He understands that his body needs to be treated like a temple. Regular exercise isn’t a chore for him but a fundamental part of his lifestyle. Whether it’s weightlifting, martial arts, or endurance sports, he pushes his body to its limits and reaps the rewards of increased energy, mental clarity, and robust health.

Financially, a high-value man is wealthy because he is financially intelligent. He’s not just focused on making money but on building wealth. He invests wisely, lives below his means, and always has an eye on the future. This financial acumen gives him a sense of security and freedom that’s incredibly attractive to high-quality women.

Intellectually, a high value man is always growing. He’s well-read, stays informed about world events, educates himself on which skills he needs or want to acquire, and he can engage in meaningful conversations on a wide range of topics. He’s not afraid to have opinions but is also open to learning from others.

A high value man in a relationship is a true leader. He’s not domineering or controlling but provides direction and makes decisions with confidence. He’s emotionally intelligent, able to understand and manage his own emotions while being attuned to the feelings of his girlfriend. He makes her feel heard, remains patient, but also talks to her openly and directly when it is necessary. 

Is It Possible To Become A High Value Man?

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? I listed a lot of things to consider. So you must think there are countless steps to become a high value man, right? But that’s not true.

The most thing to understand is that a high-value man lives with purpose. He knows what he wants out of life and is actively working towards his goals. This sense of direction and ambition is what truly sets him apart and makes him irresistible to high-quality women. All of the things mentioned above, are simply a result of one thing:

Conscious choices about your dating life — and beyond.

To become a high value man, you need to craft a real plan. You need to create your true masculine identity. You have to take control and never leave anything up to coincidence. Even if many goals often take years to achieve, and some of them require a lot of discipline, what sets the high value man apart from an average man is his commitment to his masculine identity.

As long as you know why you want to be a high value man, what that entails, and how you would like to prioritize your own journey towards becoming such an attractive man, then becoming a high value man is inevitable. Visualization is key. Mindset is crucial. Even the type of women that you’d like to date are a part of this vision.

Once you gain clarity on what type of man you are going to transform yourself into, everything beyond that is only an inevitable outcome — with discipline, you will reach your goals.

Every man can become a high value man. The reason why some men remain average isn’t about the fact that they are lazier, or lack the wrong approach — it’s because they don’t have a clear roadmap of where they’d like to go.

I know that all beginnings are hard and you must be in need of a lot of guidance. If you are looking for some books on how to become a high value man, then you’re at the right place. I know how scary it is to step out of your comfort zone, and to define your entire male identity, to dream big, reach for the stars, and to improve every area of your life.

But it’s possible and I’ve laid out a blueprint for how to become a high value man and become attractive to women in my book Book Title”.

No Contact Myth | Progress, Not Pursuit | Why Men Must Move On And Not Chase Their Ex

In This Dating Book For Men, I share:

  • How to develop unshakeable masculine confidence that attracts women naturally without even approaching them
  • The high value man psychology principles that make women notice a man and how to leverage these confidence principles
  • The characteristics of high value men — exploring how alpha men use these traits build a fulfilling and purposeful life that attracts beautiful women 
  • How you can be a high value man without money — and slowly work yourself towards more social status with disciplined and strong masculine principles
  • How to overcome shyness and social anxiety when meeting women, even if you’ve struggled it a lot — with it your whole life
  • Mindset and approach tips to become confident in approaching and talking to women, even if you’re naturally shy
  • How high value men deal with rejection — the best psychological tricks to handle rejection without becoming frustrated
  • The secrets to effective communication that will make women eager to chase you and go on dates with you
  • The art of creating sexual tension and chemistry that makes women crave your attention
  • How to be a high value man in a relationship — strategies for maintaining a healthy, passionate relationship once you’ve found the right woman — a beautiful, high value woman

Imagine waking up every day feeling unshakably confident, excited for the next big thing, knowing that you embody the qualities of a truly high-value man. Picture yourself as the man that others look up to, the one who commands respect and admiration wherever he goes. The type of man women want and dream of.

This book isn’t just about dating tips or quick fixes. It’s a complete guide to personal growth, and how to be authentic and confident in the presence of women. It’s about crafting an impeccable masculine identity, to become assertive like an alpha male, honest, self-assured and great at communication, and always able to make the most out of his relationships and life.

Fundamentally, high-value men never chase women. Instead, they chase excellence in every aspect of their lives. They dedicate their time and energy to becoming the best version of themselves, and as a natural byproduct, they become irresistibly attractive to high-quality women.

Learning to develop charisma and how to talk to women is a part of this equation but it’s almost fully guided by your transformation into a high value man who respects himself and believes that he’s the most impressive man in the room.

Get your copy of “Book Title” and become a 100% High Value Man — create your dream life and find your dream girl. A beautiful high value woman is right around the corner.

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