Hello there,

I’m Andi Galster

Book Author

Dating Science Nerd

Tech Entrepreneur

I’m fired up to help you design your perfect life with a beautiful woman as your wife.

My mission is to show you how to become an attractive high-value man, attract the perfect woman for you, and live a happy life with her – as husband and wife.

Every man can learn how to be the most attractive man in the room. I used to be invisible to women. I never had luck in my own love life. But that all changed once I began paying attention to female attraction psychology and used that knowledge to transform myself into the archetype of a successful man who attracts good women.

Understanding the psychology of men and women is the key to attract an incredible wife. 

I share my science-based dating tips for men on YouTube and in my relationship science books.

Every man is an unrefined masterpiece.

You’re ready to be chiseled to perfection.

Did you know that Michelangelo’s famous statue of David was built out of “unrefined” marble?

Every man’s journey in love and life follows a path, much like Michelangelo’s David. No man starts as a masterpiece.

Before the statue of David became a world-famous masterpiece, that piece of marble was just a rejected block that other sculptors had abandoned. They believed that the marble was material of poor condition. However, Michelangelo saw the potential within and began his work.

“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.”

That’s how I see you. Where others might see rough edges, I see the potential for greatness. If you want to become a high value man – a man of high social status, a stable income, a man of discipline, a man of peak physique, and exceptional charm and charisma – don’t let your doubts hold you back.

Let’s chisel away your dating insecurities or doubts about your masculinity. Together, we’re going to bring out the masterpiece in you.

My dating advice based on science, is designed to help you become the most impressive man among your peers.

I’ll teach you how to look attractive, how to be magnetic to women, and how to live a life of high principles, with healthy relationship rituals to keep the spark with your girlfriend or wife going until you grow old together.

Your Journey to Becoming a High-Value Man – How to Date a Beautiful & Loving Wife

Most Men go through 3 big stages to date Their dream woman and marry her

3 Stages Of Becoming A High Value Man


Heartbreak is where most of us start. That anxiety-inducing feeling when your first real relationship falls apart. 

Maybe she left you for another guy. Or she was cheating on you. Or maybe she just fell out of love. You’re left wondering what went wrong. Did she ever love you? Who are you without her? Why did she hurt you so much? How can you move on from this? Can you get her back?

When your ex-girlfriend moves on, it feels as if you’ve been rejected. You question your worth. You think you’re not good enough. It’s a dark place, but it’s also fertile ground for growth after a breakup.

This pain you’re feeling? It’s your wake-up call to level up. It’s the chisel starting to shape your masterpiece. When your first big relationship goes wrong, you can learn from it, become smarter and wiser, and push yourself to rise up – more attractive than before, and ready for a better relationship.


This is where the real work begins. You’ve felt the breakup pain, but you got over it. You’re ready to become a highly attractive man. You want to attract the best girlfriend possible by working on yourself.

Development is your personal renaissance. It’s your chance to become a high value man and learn how to get beautiful women to notice you and want to date you.

This stage is about building your empire – and I’m not just talking about money. 

You start hitting the gym, not just to look good, but to feel strong, to build discipline. You dive into books on psychology and self-improvement. You face your fears, talk to women even when your heart’s racing. Slowly, you’re uncovering the confident, charismatic man that’s been hiding inside you all along.

You start investing in your education, your career, your passions. You learn the art of conversation, the nuances of body language. You’re not just trying to impress women anymore; you’re becoming a man that naturally draws people in.

Women are starting to notice that you’re not like most men. You’re more confident. Something’s more developed than with other men. Dozens of doors are open for you to walk through, and you’re finally able to meet a woman who makes you happy.


This is the final stage where you become a true virtuoso in the art of love. You’ve moved beyond the surface level of attraction and are now delving into the depths of long-lasting connection.

Now we’re in the master class of manhood. You’ve built the attractiveness foundation, and it’s time to add the finishing touches.

Refinement is where you transition from being a great date and attracting many women, to being an exceptional partner, ready for one woman and marriage.

You know your worth, and you’re looking for a woman who complements your life, not completes it. This is where you learn to love not just with your heart, but with your head – making choices that nurture a long-lasting, deeply fulfilling relationship.

You’re fine-tuning your understanding of long-term compatibility, learning to create a relationship that doesn’t just survive, but thrives. You identify which relationships don’t work for you, and when you find the right woman, you’re ready to show her that you’re the best partner for her.

You’re mastering the balance of stoicism, passion and companionship. You are ready to build a great marriage, guided by logic and romance.

No matter where you are in your life, I’m here to guide you forward.

Whether you’re struggling with a broken heart, working on your confidence to talk to women, or getting ready to find the perfect woman, we’ll use cutting-edge dating science and time-tested wisdom to get you there.

I wrote three relationship books to help you reach any of those goals:

No Contact Myth — Progress, Not Pursuit

The No Contact Rule to re-attract an ex-girlfriend is a myth. I’ve worked with many men who wanted to get back together with their ex-girlfriend, and I’ve seen the same bad patterns over and over again.

Most men who want to get back with their ex-girlfriend spend most of their time obsessing over her, they don’t reflect on the relationships and whether it even makes sense to get back together. 

In the end, many men end up right where they started, but instead of focusing on themselves, they spent far too much time on their ex girlfriend, instead of becoming happy and attractive again after their breakup.

This book looks at the anti-patterns that I’ve seen in real coaching sessions, explains why these behaviors happen in the first place, and looks at the science of breakups to understand how to move on with dignity, confidence and strength. Overcome your heartbreak and start dating again, even if you miss your ex-girlfriend a lot.

No Contact Myth | Progress, Not Pursuit | Why Men Must Move On And Not Chase Their Ex